CBPT study update: Demand rather than geographical specificities affects accessibility in border areas

Borders often have certain specificities. Some are of geographical nature, such as mountains, rivers or lakes, and others are due to spatial and settlement structures, such as sparsely populated areas, twin cities, or large cross-border agglomerations. These factors and obstacles impact the provision of and demand for cross-border public transport services, either positively or negatively.

The share of CBPT services operating in border areas without any specificities is almost twice as high as these areas’ share in total border length. Services across border rivers or lakes or in mountain areas are proportional to the length of these borders. Thus, geographical specificities other than maritime borders seem to matter little. The demand side is what matters most: CBPT services in rural areas and especially sparsely populated areas are well below these border areas’ proportions, while services in twin cities and agglomerations are far more frequent. Thus, improving accessibility in border areas with relatively low initial demand for CBPT will be one of the crucial challenges to improve living conditions in these border areas.

In the next update, we will provide the first results on legal and administrative obstacles for CBPT services hampering public transport accessibility in border areas.

The image consists of two maps. On the left, the map highlights all border segments characterised as either rural or sparsely populated. Basically all borders in the EU show either of these segments. The map on the right shows where twin cities or agglomerations are located in EU border areas and where there are high disparities in population density between both sides of a border. These demand specificities are less frequent than rural and sparsely populated border areas.