Cross-Border Cooperation and Territorial Impact Assessment in the EU

This article develops an analyse of cross-border cooperation in the EU through the procedure of Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA), conducted with the TARGET_TIA method . The objective is to evaluate  the territorial impact of cross-border programmes whose main target is to mitigate the barrier effect of the borders.

The study develops this tool through the example of the evaluation of the Portuguese-Spanish INTERREG-A programmes (1989-2013). 

Territorial impact assessment TIA border effect institutional matters


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Inviato da Martín GUILLER… il Gio, 27/06/2019 - 11:31

Excellent article announcing the need to develop a specific Cross-Border Impact Assessment (CBIA) tool. The prototype developed by Prof. Medeiros at the Spanish-Portuguese border could be tested in a series of EU (and non-EU) CB areas in order to deliver very relevant information to prepare the next programming period. Those areas could be selected according to specific challenges based on sound evidence. There are already some on-going efforts towards CBIA, describing the situation and looking into the future, but this researcher at the University of Lisbon already developped a concrete tool five years ago, which could be widely used to measure the impact of Interreg and other CB interventions to soften the barrier effect of borders. An exchange of views between researchers, consultants and institutions dealing with CBIA would be very useful to evaluate the work developped so far, next steps and integration in the next programming period.