Which area of cross border cooperation can bring about the biggest positive impact on citizens' daily lives?

11th Breakfast Debate

Poll Question: The Potential for Positive Impact in the Daily Lives of Citizens

When it comes to cross-border cooperation, various areas have the potential to greatly impact the daily lives of citizens. We'd love to know which of the following areas you believe holds the greatest potential for positive change:

  1. Education
  2. Public Transport
  3. Healthcare Services
  4. Public Services (such as childcare)
  5. Environmental Protection
  6. Cultural Exchange
  7. Labour Market Integration
  8. Risk Management

The participants during the 11th Breakfast Debate selected Public Transport as the most impactful followed by other Public Services and Labour Market Integration. Do you agree with those selections? What would be your vote and why? Let us know in the comment section which option you believe can bring about the most significant improvements in citizens' daily lives and why.