Housing Esemény 26már2021 State of Housing in Europe (online) 'State of Housing in Europe’' is the flagship biennial publication of the Housing Europe Observatory and its 2021 edition will be officially launched…
Housing Esemény 11már2021 High-level European Housing Webinar in Lisbon (online) On March 11 2021, from 7-9 pm CET on Facebook, a high-level European Housing webinar is to take place on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of…
Housing Esemény 22jan2021 Towards a More Equitable Housing System: Is Vancouver a City for Renters (Online Conference) The Housing Partnership will present its findings on affordable housing at a Vancouver online conference titled: "Towards a More Equitable…
Housing Esemény 07-11szep2020 The Virtual Housing Festival, 7-11 September 2020 In 2020 and for one year only, the Chartered Institute of Housing's annual conference and Europe's largest housing festival goes virtual! …
Housing Esemény 04-05dec2018 International Conference: 'Housing for All. Affordable Housing in Growing Cities', Vienna, 4-5 December „Housing for All. Affordable Housing in Growing Cities in Europe“ Wiener Wohnen, Rosa-Fischer-Gasse 2, 1030 Vienna, 4 - 5 December 2018 …
Housing Esemény 17okt2018 Integration in Housing - Models For Social Cohesion Book Release & Lunch Debate with Vienna´s new City Councillor for Housing, Kathrin Gaal, on 'Integration in Housing - Models For Social…
Housing Esemény 11-12jún2018 11th Meeting of the Housing Partnership, Luxembourg To read more about the meeting, please click here. To access the documents of the meeting, please click here. This meeting…
Housing Esemény 23máj2018 Housing Partnership to organise Capacity Building Workshop on "State Aid and Affordable Housing investments" The Housing Partnership has elaborated a set of actions in the work strand on better legislation. Focus was on state aid legislation and how this can…
Housing Esemény 16máj2018 Affordable housing for inclusive cities, Brussels Housing Partnership will present its ongoing work on policy recommendations for affordable housing to a broader audience on the occasion of an event…