Artificial intelligence: EUA calls for openness, multidisciplinarity and ethical standards (reaction to EC Communication)

Universities reaction to EC Communication
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This reaction gives the point of view of universities regarding artificial intelligence, summed up in three main points:

  • Data is the lifeblood of artificial intelligence: Europe needs to continue to promote Open Science and Open Access to data and research results;
  • Algorithms alone do not lead to innovations: the value of artificial intelligence lies in its domain-specific application. Therefore, research and education in this area need multi- and interdisciplinarity for cross fertilisation between different fields;
  • Artificial intelligence needs creative experts and innovators: in order to develop and use artificial intelligence in a meaningful, sustainable and ethically responsible way, students of all ages need learning environments that enable them to develop the right skills and mindset through research-based, multidisciplinary and student-centred education.
education and training copyright open access data driven innovation Ethics