AI4EU Café presents: The future of AI presented by Wouter Denayer (CTO IBM Belgium)


speaker: Wouter Denayer (CTO IBM Belgium) 

title: the future of AI

abstract:  if you wonder what is next in the evolution towards general AI then this session is for you. We have seen some painful failures of artificial intelligence pointing to a lack of 'common sense'. Are neural networks really the solution we seek or is a new path needed? Find out what IBM Research is cooking in terms of hardware and software in the never ending quest towards General AI.


bio: Wouter is a technology optimist. He is on a mission to strip away both hype and fear surrounding Artificial Intelligence, so that its true potential for society and business can be realised. With a degree in linguistics & literature to balance his inner geek, he architects IT solutions that actually deliver their promised value. As CTO for IBM Belgium, he feels privileged every day to work with a diverse and global team of wonderful colleagues.


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