Cross-border exchange of data?

Example would be fining speeding on roads or co-operation in cases of sickness/accidents during holidays. Would this be realistic? What about differences in the legal frameworks between Member States? And how do we tackle privacy?

Public Administration Cross-border interoperability


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Beküldte: Andrea Halmos ekkor: sze, 21/09/2016 - 23:06

The eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 includes a number of concrete actions to contribute to the creation of business friendly cross-border public administrations and help the mobility of citizens. In relation to the examples mentioned, please see the (i) action on making the e-Justice Portal a one-stop shop for information on European justice and access to judicial procedures in the Member States and the (ii) action on setting up the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information, allowing the interconnection between administrations in charge of social security for electronic data exchanges across 32 countries.