EHTEL Webinar - “Digital solutions: What does it mean and cost to be inclusive? Lessons learned from three Large-Scale Pilots” - Supported by EURAHL


EHTEL’s hybrid model of care track is one of EHTEL’s prime activities in its Imagining 2029 work programme. Each year, EHTEL aims to organise a series of events. The 2023 programme is about to start.

This track focuses on the organisational and technical challenges experienced by the health and care community in integrating digital health in usual care practice. It provides a forum for the community members to share their experiences with, and learn from, each other.

While the range of digital health solutions available to older adults is extending, significant segments of the targeted population find these solutions difficult to use. Clearly, several underpinning assumptions need to be revisited. The “one fits all” approach followed by many developers needs to be reassessed in light of the personal profile and environment of individual users.

This webinar will enable participants to learn about what needs to be done at the different steps of the innovation cycle to develop digital solutions which can actually be used by older people and people with disabilities. Three European Large-Scale Pilots share their experiences, methodologies, and recommendations.



A pre-validation methodology for developing and selecting digital solutions for older people (20’)

This presentation will introduce the methodology applied by the Italian pilots of the Pharaon project, a Large-Scale Pilot. The innovative two-step methodology called “pre-validation” has two main phases. The phases aim to assess the usability and reliability, and more, of the technology in both a laboratory environment and real environments.

Laura Fiorini, Pharaon project / University of Firenze (Italy).


What does inclusiveness mean concretely? (20’)

The SHAPES Project has a real commitment to ensure the inclusion and participation of different groups of society in Large Scale Pilot Projects and other activities related to the project. The World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB), as an organisation of persons with disabilities, and a consortium partner of the SHAPES project, will present the progress and good practices related to inclusiveness and accessibility within the project, as well as the most common barriers and key recommendations to the inclusion of persons with disabilities, including persons with deafblindness and older persons.

Lucía D'Arino, SHAPES project / The World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB) .


Why dealing with cultural aspects is important to engage citizens (20’)

Collecting information from citizens or patients is not a trivial issue. Patient Reported Experience and Outcomes (PROMS) are increasingly considered essential. The ADLIFE project has developed a methodology which ensures that any digital questionnaires used to collect data are fully understood in different cultural contexts. This is just one key aspect of ADLIFE’S comprehensive package that encourages engagement with older people.

Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen and Nerea González: ADLIFE project / SRDC & Kronikgune.


This webinar is organised with the support of EURAHL.- European Active and Healthy Living Coalition.

Info and registration

digital solutions EHTEL EURAHL webinar webinar