Dutch AI Coalition and Strategic Action Plan Artificial Intelligence Netherlands

State Secretary Mona Keijzer launches Dutch AI Coalition (the main catalyst for AI in The Netherlands) and presents Strategic Action Plan AI (SAPAI) of the Dutch Government in The Hague, October 8 2019. 65 Organizationsare joining forces to ensure that The Netherlands becomes a major player in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). A great day for AI-policy and technology driven innovation!

Read more about the Dutch AI Coalition Kick-off here: https://airecht.nl/blog/2019/dutch-ai-coalition-and-strategic-action-plan-artificial-intelligence

Download the Strategic Action Plan for The Netherlands here: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/beleidsnotas/2019/10/08/strategisch-actieplan-voor-artificiele-intelligentie



AI Artificial Intelligence The Netherlands SAPAI DutchAICoalition