The High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) held its first workshop in Brussels on 20 September 2018. Members of the AI HLEG reserve list, a limited number of ad hoc experts and Commission officials also participated in the workshop to give their input in the draft AI ethics guidelines and the AI policy and investment recommendations that the AI HLEG is preparing.
Aiming to a more detailed discussion of some of the thematic areas that concern the two deliverables, participants were split up into four break-out groups. Having "Trusted AI" as a common concept to base the discussion on, each of the groups focused on one of the following areas:
- Transparency and Accountability
- Industry and Ecosystems Uptake of AI
- Use Cases for the Guidelines
- AI Enablers and Infrastructure.
The main outcomes of these discussions were summarized and presented during the workshop’s concluding session.
--> For a more detailed insight into the wokshop a written report is also available. <--
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