Research to support Digital Regulation: the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency is hiring! DDL 9/1/23

On the occasion of the entry into force of the Digital Services Act on 16th November 2022, the European Commission also officially launched the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT), which will be housed within the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and will act at arms' length from DG CNECT.

ECAT will be supporting the enforcement of this landmark digital regulation, which confirms the importance of producing impactful science for policy. Scientists and experts working at ECAT will cooperate with industry representatives, academia, and civil society organisations to improve our understanding of how algorithms work: they will analyse transparency, assess risks, and propose new transparent approaches and best practices to make the online world a safer space for all.

The ECAT team is now looking to recruit the best talent available, in particular – but not only - in data science, algorithmic design and auditing, artificial intelligence, and from a multidisciplinary perspective

Several vacancies are now open for more than 20 posts between contractual agents and national experts - mainly in Seville, Ispra and Brussels sites of the JRC. The following profiles are needed to reinforce the team:

  • Research
  • Inspections
  • Information security
  • Legal officer 

Applications will remain open until 9th January 2023.

algorithms Artificial Intelligence digital services act online platforms algorithmic systems AITrust