GDPR’s Practical Impacts on Australasian Business

GDPR’s Practical Impacts on Australasian Business


25 February 2020

Session 1: Sydney 2pm | Wellington 4pm 

Session 2: London 2pm | Atlanta 9am

Join OneTrust DataGuidance and Mills Oakley LLP for a webinar discussing the GDPR's practical impacts on Australasian business. 


The full extent of the EU General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) extra-territorial reach, as set out in Article 3, is not always fully understood. 


In fact, since 25 May 2018, a great deal of folklore has developed around just how far GDPR’s tentacles reach, how compliance can be ‘avoided’ and what Australasian organisations need to do to comply. The common misconceptions around exactly how GDPR works tend to drive organisations towards unnecessary expenditure on expensive compliance programs (often exceeding US$1 million) or worse, exposing themselves to fines of 4% of global turnover or €20 million for breaches, whichever is greater. 


To dispel the myths and bring some clarity, join us for a straightforward conversation on how GDPR impacts you in Australasia.


Registration link:,133Q0…

Law GDPR Business Australia corporate