In Nice, a cross-border citizens’ forum to shape tomorrow’s Europe

On 24-25 March 2022, at the invitation of the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis, the MOT had the pleasure of facilitating a Franco-Italian citizens’ forum against a very positive backdrop: the start of the European Year of Youth, the publication of the findings of the Conference on the Future of Europe, France’s presidency of the EU Council and the recent signing of the Quirinal Treaty between the two countries’ governments.

Organised within the framework of a participatory process devised by the “Europe Direct” centres in the cities of Cuneo, Genoa, Turin and Nice, the forum brought together more than 130 young people aged between 15 and 27. Its aim was to draw up concrete proposals for the future of Europe and the cross-border territory of the Mediterranean Alps.

Twelve initial proposals* put forward by the young people in the areas of economic recovery, social justice and employment were first prioritised by means of a vote. Next they were reworked with the help of experts, and then presented and debated the following day at a roundtable that brought together representatives of the ALCOTRA programme, the European Commission’s Representations in France and Italy, the Italian Chamber of Commerce “Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Cote d'Azur” and the MEP Sandro Gozi.

A consultation of the young people surveyed them about their wishes regarding the future of their territory**, in relation with ongoing Interreg projects***. The MOT would like to thank and congratulate its local partners, as well as the elected representatives present from Nice City and Metropolis, Cuneo and the Parco delle Alpi Liguri for the success of this event.

The Citizens’ Debate of 25 March is available to replay in French and Italian:

Replay in FR

Replay in IT


* The six ideas adopted by the young participants:

1. Promoting policies that facilitate investment in the energy transition and making the European industrial system more independent

2. Reviewing the European Commission’s communication aimed at young people

3. The European job market for young people: setting up a Franco-Italian Youth Job Centre, incentives for in-work training, tax breaks for companies that hire, paid internships, recognition of qualifications, etc.

4. Reviewing production systems to reduce the amount of packaging (plastic and other)

5. Introduce a compulsory European minimum wage

6. Promoting support for setting up digital companies to compete with GAFA by means of a European-style Silicon Valley.

** Perception of the territory’s dynamism, factors that could help keep young people in the mountain area and solutions to improve its accessibility.


citizens dialogue future of Europe youth cross-border employment France Italy