European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 side events call for applications is open!

If you have an interesting event to propose but you did not make it within the open call for applications to become partners of #EURegionsWeek 2021, or if you applied to the call but your session was not selected, this is the time to still be associated with the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021.

A side event is an online initiative organised in the form of local dialogue or information session proposed and coordinated by different partners across Europe. These events are connected to the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 and its thematic priorities (Green transition, Cohesion, Digital transition, citizens' engagement/future of Europe), format (digital) and EURegionsWeek organisers (European Committee of the Regions and European Commission - DG REGIO).

Side events are not part of the four days official programme of the European Week of Regions and Cities but they can be organised between 11 October and 11 November 2021 as part of a dedicated programme with this year's priority to contribute to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE.)

For more information on how to apply, formats and requirements, please visit the side events dedicated section on this website.

More information about the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 here.

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