URBACT Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab


88 TER, Boulevard de Porte Royal
75005 Paris
an Fhrainc

URBACT is co-organising with FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless) the “Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab”, to  take place in Paris on 10-11 of December 2018. 

This event aims to empower cities with the knowledge shared within URBACT and FEANTSA and understanding of existing practices to combat homelessness in their city - linking this topic to the wider debate about housing rights for all.

More precisely, it seeks to explore concrete ways that cities can deliver the ambitious target set by the Urban Agenda for the European Urban Poverty Partnership and other actions cities can take in the future to tackle and prevent homelessness, following themes to focus during the first day:

  1. Housing First, an unique and innovative approach to ending homelessness;
  2. Prevention of homelessness among vulnerable groups;
  3. Re-use of vacant properties.

To illustrate the implementation of such actions and enrich the discussion and exchange among participants, representatives from the Housing First Europe Hub, the Housing Solutions Platform and the FEANTSA will either facilitate or be speakers during the session slots. In addition, representatives from different municipalities - including URBACT Good Practice labeled cities - will have the opportunity to present their own initiatives.

Places for participants are reserved for cities only (local authorities, city practitioners and elected representatives). Cities who are interested in combatting homelessness using Housing First, prioritising prevention or re-using vacant buildings, are encouraged to participate. The Policy Lab will be held in English.

Have a look at the public agenda of the lab.

For more information and registration, please visit the URBACT website. 

urban poverty Homelessness Paris URBACT FEANTSA