World Resources Forum - Call for abstracts


WRF 2019 will host a series of ‘deep-dive’ workshops as part of the conference program and invites interested organisations to design and submit a workshop proposal now. Under the Title 'Closing Loops - Transitions at work', WRF 2019 wants to show systemic drivers, as well as concrete solutions to make the transition to circular economy work in practice.

A circular economy aims at maintaining our resources, such as materials, land and soil, at a high quality level while rendering the services we need to fulfill our current and future needs. This can be achieved by reorganising production/consumption patterns and value chains so that resources do not get wasted, rather get replenished and restored.



  • Cities and regions as laboratories for change
  • Ports and circular economy in a global market
  • Digital technology as driver for circular economy
  • Sustainable materials and waste management
  • Circular bio-economy and bio-based materials
  • Land and soil as valuable resources



  • A workshop proposal implies the entire organisation of a workshop, including contacting and inviting speakers and moderator, preparing background materials and report. The WRF organisers take care of room, catering and promotion and can support you with suggestions for speakers and formats. In case you wish to work with scientific papers you will need to organise the review process yourself.

  • Workshops put emphasis on concrete cases and solutions and on lessons learnt. What was successful, what did not work and why, what do we need to make it work? What can potentially be the relevance of your case on a more global scale?

  • Workshops integrating crosscutting topics such as governance considerations, multi-stakeholder participation, financing, communication and education, links to climate change and poverty will be prioritised.

  • Proposals using creative formats that assure dynamic interaction, idea generation and active participation in a multistakeholder setting will be prioritised.

  • Workshops at the WRF 2019 are programmed to last in principle 1.5 hours each.

Scientists and research institutions are also encouraged to participate and submit a workshop proposal, integrating scientific insights and papers in a dynamic format. In this case, please bear in mind that any corresponding call for papers and their respective review should be coordinated by the workshop organisers themselves before submission. For related questions please contact the WRF 2019 organisers.


With this call we also invite partners who are interested in organising a site event of field trip, to contact us at and Lieze Cloots at




• Title of the workshop

• Description of issues covered

• Workshop organisers and workshop chairs (names, affiliation and contact information)

• Invited speakers (indicate confirmed and to be invited or to be confirmed speakers)

• Indicative format/structure of the workshop, including expected duration, tentative workshop program, preferred day of the workshop (February 25, February 26).

• Indicate who will you invite to join and how will you promote your workshop.


Submissions should be sent online by filling out this form


• Workshop proposal submission due: June 30, 2018

• Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2018

• Workshop promotional text: October 15, 2018

• Confirmation of workshop speakers: November 15, 2018

• Final Workshop program: December 15, 2018


• During July and August, OVAM and WRF can get into contact with suggestions to modify or complement your proposal e.g. with additional speakers, cases, or adapted formats.

• You will be invited to introduce your workshop to the audience on the first day of the conference (February 25), as well as to provide a summary of your workshop on the last day (February 26). More details about these activities will follow.

• You are required to send us a 3-page summary report of your Workshop within two weeks after the event. The report will be included in the WRF 2019 Meeting Report.


We normally charge a standard rate of EUR 1.500 per workshop, which also includes all venue and related costs:

• Speakers, moderators and participants of your workshop need to be registered to the WRF

conference through our official conference tool, not necessarily all two days.

• Two organisers per workshop get free access to WRF.

• We offer special discounts on official prices for workshop speakers and chairs.


All the information is available at

workshop call for abstract world resources forum Antwerp OVAM