CEPS Task Force on Artificial Intelligence - Second meeting - July 9, Brussels

Place du Congrés 1
B1000 Brussels
an Bheilg

CEPS launched a Task force to try to bring the AI debate to a concrete discussion of outstanding ethical, governance and policy challenges. The Task Force will focus in particular on EU policy, but will also look at developments in other parts of the world. It will be composed of academics, industry players from various sectors, policymakers and civil society. And it will discuss issues such as: the state and evolution of machine learning; algorithmic accountability; strict and joint liability for damage caused by AI; algorithmic bias and non-discrimination; options for policy experimentation; and possible EU industrial policy measures to promote the smooth development of AI in coherence with the overall EU 2030 agenda.

The next meeting will take place on July 9 in Brussels at CEPS premises. Here is the agenda

10.00        Welcome and introduction: AndreaRENDA, Coordinator of the CEPS Task Force

10.15        Moral AI: at the crossroads between philosophy, computer science, and economics. Vincent CONITZER, Duke University

11.00        Coffee Break 

11.15        AI and entrepreneurship in the EU: challenges and opportunities. Michal PĚCHOUČEK, Czech Technology University

12.00        Case study: from sensors to people. Koen SIMOENS, VP operations, Sentiance

12.30        Lunch 

13.15       Ethical AI: the EU challenge. Virginia DIGNUM, TU Delft and Luciano FLORIDI, Oxford Internet Institute

15.15       Discussion of the draft outline of the final report. Andrea RENDA, Coordinator of the CEPS Task Force

16.00        End of meeting

To all members of the High Level Group: if you are interested in participating, please contact Andrea Renda at andrea.renda@ceps.eu

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