Overcoming obstacles in border regions - any concrete suggestion on how eGovernment can tackle these?

A public consultation was carried out by the European Commission (DG REGIO) between 21 September and 21 December 2015 to collect experiences and opinions from citizens, key stakeholders and experts, in order to get a comprehensive overview of what obstacles persist and of their impact on the daily lives of people and businesses in border regions. According to the results, legal and administrative barriers seem to be quite relevant; lack of information and awareness are particularly mentioned, concerning private individuals as well as administrations. For a quick overview see the Infographic.

Do you also experience similar barriers? Would you have any concrete suggestion on how eGovernment can tackle these?


eGovernment eGov Modernising public administration Cross-border interoperability


Profile picture for user MarenKuschnerus
Curtha isteach ag Maren KUSCHNERUS an Wed, 26/10/2016 - 12:49

Dear Andrea Halmos, it is a pity I see your inquiry only now. Did you receive ideas and/or did you launch a broader initiative to collect ideas? As a disseminator of EU-information in our Region Salzburg, could I assist somehow to your purpose? Best regards, Maren Kuschnerus

Profile picture for user ahalmos
Curtha isteach ag Andrea Halmos an Mon, 28/11/2016 - 11:01

The Cross-Border Review launched by DG REGIO is trying to better understand the key local issues faced by citizens and businesses crossing borders on a daily basis, as crossing border to find employment, receive better healthcare, make use of public facilities or receive emergency support can still cause difficulties. Taxation or pension rights issues, non-recognition of rights or standards, impossibility to operate joint emergency services are still problems that exist today. Most of the remaining obstacles stem from diverging national legislations, incompatible administrative processes, or simply lack of common territorial planning.

As discussed in one of the related stakeholder workshops, what are the concrete obstacles on various EU internal borders and what are the obstacles for citizens and businesses that seem to appear most frequently?

Are you aware of good practice cases on how to tackle them?

Profile picture for user ahalmos
Curtha isteach ag Andrea Halmos an Thu, 31/08/2017 - 13:45

Based on the result of the Cross-border Review, the European Commission will adopt the Communication "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions" in September 2017. 

The aim of the Communication is to highlight ways in which Europe can reduce the complexity, length and costs of cross-border interaction and promote the pooling of services along internal borders.

To mark its formal adoption a launch event will take place on 20-21 September 2017 in Brussels.