b-solutions publications available!

The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and DG REGIO are happy to announce that the newest b-solutions publications are now available on the initiative's website! 

There you can find: 

  • a compendium showcasing the obstacles and relative solutions of the 47 cases identified in 2020 and 2021; 
  • three thematic booklets containing analyses of the common obstacles and solutions in the following fields: Cross-border Public Services, Education and Employment, European Green Deal; 
  • an illustrated storytelling booklet that showcases 7 stories of border obstacles and their impact on citizens in border regions. 

Click here to access the digital versions of the volumes: https://www.b-solutionsproject.com/library.

Do you want to know more on the publications' contents and on b-solutions? Watch the official launch event here.
