Der Europäische Verbund für territoriale Zusammenarbeit (EVTZ-Handbuch)

This anthology (EGTC-Handbook) examines the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) as a new EU instrument for transborder cooperation between public institutions from a legal, political, economic and geographical, and practical perspective.

In the context of the 10th anniversary of the EGTC’s introduction, this recent publication provides a practical overview of its widely discussed legal form and provides profound answers to remaining uncertainties about it. With an interdisciplinary approach, this publication can be considered the first EGTC handbook that tries to remove legal and political barriers to cooperation.

The publication will appeal to researchers, practitioners, representatives of public authorities and EU institutions. Its main objective is to guide the reader towards a better understanding of the EGTC and to contribute to the de-mystification of this legal instrument of the EU, which is still in its infancy.

The handbook represents the final publication of the EGTC Center of Excellence located in the European University Frankfurt (Oder) at the German-Polish border.


It´s commercial publication published by NOMOS-Verlag Germany.

Neither, there is no freely available version of EGTC-Handbook. The link is forwarding to a commercial page.

EGTC legal tools institutional matters history of cbc evidence and data