What is the most significant challenge faced by cross-border workers in seeking and securing employment from the other side of the border?

12th Breakfast Debate

Poll question: Greatest barriers for cross border workers.

Cross border regions in the EU can enjoy significant benefits from further integration of their labour markets. However persistent obstacles still exist making it difficult for workers to find and secure employment from the other side of the border. What do you think is the single most important barrier that still remains for workers from the following choices:

1. Language and cultural barriers

2. Access to social protection

3. Taxation issues

4. Recognition of Qualifications

5. Lack of information on cross border opportunities

6. Cross border transportation to/from their place of work


The participants during the 12th Breakfast Debate highlighted taxation issues as the main concern gathering 32% of the votes, with language and cultural barriers (23%) being next in line. Join the discussion and let us know in the comment section whether you would have voted differently, and why? Feel free to share experiences from your cross border region or ideas about how we can integrate them further!

cross border labour markets