Fighting climate change in mountain areas: AdaPT Mont-Blanc


AdaPT Mont-Blanc is a strategic project of the Espace Mont-Blanc (a cross-border cooperation initiative involving France, Italy and Switzerland), aimed at providing a cross-border approach to address critical issues and find common responses to climate change. The project activities focus on mountain areas, which are particularly vulnerable to global warming. The overall objective of the project is to develop spatial planning and management tools for climate change adaptation. These tools are meant to be integrated and adopted by public institutions in the Espace Mont-Blanc at local and regional levels, through a participatory process and a cross-sectoral approach.



Espace Mont-Blancz, a transboundary cooperation initiative bringing together Savoie, Haute-Savoie (FR), the Aosta Valley (IT), and the Canton of Valais (CH).

AdaPT Mont-Blanc




The project AdaPT Mont-Blanc is co-financed under the framework of the Interreg V-A France-Italy (ALCOTRA) programme 2014-2020 (€ 989 602 of ERDF). The project, which ran for 3 years (from August 2017 to August 2020) involved 8 partners, including regional and local actors, and included the scientific and technical support of the implementing organisations and of research centres.



The Espace Mont-Blanc, through all the tools, initiatives and mechanisms implemented under the project, offers to local administrators and technicians the opportunity to share knowledge on global warming, benefit from a common reference framework and exchange good practices. In particular, the following results have been achieved:

  • Development of specific climate scenarios.
  • Implementation of a participatory process involving more than 200 local administrators and technicians from the three countries.
  • Mont Blanc Observatory (OMB), a support tool for monitoring cross-border strategies by sharing information from the three countries, which are often characterised by different organisational arrangements.
  • The cross-border "Toolbox - Boîte à outils", which is the core output of the project and consists of an online platform containing all the actions, good practices and pilot cases developed by AdaPT Mont-Blanc. The Toolbox will still be updated and populated by the platform administrators and the users following the end of the project.


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green deal evidence and data institutional matters