Border Focal Point Network Imeacht 18Fea2021 Info session on b-solutions The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) organises a second info session to inform about the b-solutions initiative in the light of the…
Border Focal Point Network Imeacht 14DF2021 EU Border Regions: Living labs of European Integration As part of the #EURegionsWeek, DG REGIO will present the new report “EU border regions: Living labs of European integration”. This…
Border Focal Point Network Imeacht 10Noll2021 Launch event for b-solutions' newest publications - a celebration Join us on Friday 10th December, to launch the publication of five b-solutions booklets that can help you learn more about cross-border cooperation,…
Border Focal Point Network Imeacht 10DF2023 EWRC University Session - UNIVERSITY: Discussing Persistent Legal-administrative & Institutional Border Barriers Across the EU The EU Territorial Integration process can only be achieved via a systematic reduction of persisting cross-border barriers. In this context, this…