SHIFT-HUB educational needs assessment survey

SHIFT-HUB ( is an EU-funded project that aims to establish a pan-European Smart Health Innovation Hub, with the objective of promoting and fostering the uptake of Smart Health technologies and services. The project also aims to develop a modular offer of support services, including educational resources, allowing community members to strengthen their skills, and become proficient in the exploitation of emerging solutions in the field of Smart Health.

To achieve these objectives, the SHIFT-HUB project is conducting a survey to gather information on the preferences of stakeholders from the European Smart Health space, including from the Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World community, when it comes to the usage of online educational resources. The objective is to develop a catalog of educational assets to be added to the upcoming SHIFT-HUB platform. The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete, and no personally identifiable information will be collected. The data will be used solely for analysis and reporting purposes and will not be shared with any third-party organizations.


Thank you for your participation.

SHIFT-HUB continuing education