Flagship: African-European Digital Innovation Bridge (AEDIB)

To strengthen digital innovation networks in Africa and promote intercontinental dialogue between African and European innovators and policymakers, AEDIB will create important opportunities for employment and pave the way for economic growth and recovery.

Initiated by EU Member States (France, Belgium, and Germany) and the European Commission, the AEDIB will establish a Pan-African network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). This network will encourage joint ventures between Africa and Europe and provide technical innovation expertise and experimentation for small and mid-size enterprises and start-ups.

AEDIB will connect information and communications technology professionals, investors, academia, incubators, and national, regional and local authorities. By facilitating access to financing for African DIHs and mutual learning and joint solution development, AEDIB will help solve technological and entrepreneurial challenges. A special focus on reaching and including youth and women will be incorporated through the Digital and Entrepreneurial Skills Academy.

The partners in the AEDIB cover more than 80 countries, of which over 30 have already established DIHs (ca. 300 European DIH to date), with the vision to ultimately establish DIHs in every country, facilitating the creation of a single market for digital innovation in Africa and Europe.

EU-Africa EU-Africa Digital Economy Task Force Digital Innovation Hubs