ESPON Targeted Analysis SPIMA final conference - Planning for a Metropolitan Future, Brussels


Norway House
Rue Archimède 17
1000 Brussels

The final conference on the ESPON project Spatial dynamics and strategic planning in metropolitan areas – SPIMA will present the project result to a wider audience and discuss its implications.

The work presents ground-breaking documentation and analysis of how ten EUROCITIES member cities and their surrounding municipalities and regions have been carrying out strategic planning. The research gives new insight into the processes and potential of spatial planning and changes our understanding of functional urban areas. 

The conference is aimed at politicians and officials from metropolitan areas, authorities responsible for urban issues at regional, national and European level, members and partners of the URBAN Intergroup at the European Parliament, umbrella organisations of European cities and metropolitan areas, urban planning researchers and journalists. 

The aim is to share and discuss the wider benefits of supporting and enabling spatial planning in functional urban areas. The conference language is English and participation is free of charge. Registration is possible until 30 January 2018

Brussels Sustainable Land Use Eurocities metropolitan areas sustainable use of land functional urban areas ESPON SPIMA targeted analysis Oslo