Protection of Public Spaces, Vehicle and Blast mitigation - Hands-on Training and Exchange of Best Practices JRC Ispra, 12-13 June 2019


European Commission – Joint Research Centre
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749
I - 21027 Ispra VA

Recent terrorist attacks have revealed a recurrent targeting of public spaces. Exploiting their intrinsic vulnerabilities due to their open nature and public character, public spaces  and soft targets have been subject to malicious attacks with the use of easily obtained weapons, such as vehicles. A potential vehicle ramming attack has a significant impact

and does not require expertise or extensive preparation from the perpetrators. Protecting city centres, and at the same time striking the right balance between security and

aesthetics of the urban environment, poses demanding challenges to urban planners and security officials.

Protective security needs to be designed based on a holistic approach that can assist in the reduction of vulnerabilities, whilst avoiding creating new targets and shifting risks.

Following the Operators' Forum meetings, the EU Mayors’ Conference on 'Building Urban Defences against Terrorism’ (Brussels, 08 March 2018) and the Technical Workshop on

Physical Protection (JRC-Ispra, 20-21 June 2018), this training will provide participants with information on solutions concerning the adaptation of the built environment to mitigate vehicle-borne threats. 

The training will concentrate on introducing a holistic approach to physical security, including examples and best practices on applications in the urban layout. The following topics will be addressed: 

  • Risk identification and assessment (threat, vulnerabilities, consequences)
  • Site evaluation
  • Available impact test standards
  • Vehicle security barriers
  • Alternative traffic calming techniques
  • Security by design and aesthetics
  • Vehicle-borne or drone-borne explosives
  • Mitigation measures against exterior and interior explosive threats
  • Installation issues
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

The format of the training requires active participation and is intended for urban planners, architectural officers, counter-terrorism security advisers, local security officials etc.

The training will be organised on 12 and 13 June 2019 at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy. The JRC is located in the vicinity of the Milan Malpensa airport. Working language is English.

Invited people will be reimbursed (travel and subsistence), transport between the airport and the hotel/meeting will be provided.

Please identify responsible persons in your city administration and send their contact details no later than 15 May 2019 to:

The JRC will contact the nominated people with an official invitation and other logistic details.

The places available at the training are limited, and in case of registrations exceeding places, the acceptance will be based on the criterion of diversity.

training JRC DG HOME Security in public spaces Ispra Best Practices Physical security