The effects of recent migration dynamics and forced displacement on urban areas in Europe, Berlin


The JPI Urban Europe organises this one day workshop to bring together the knowledge and expertise from experts and research projects dealing with migration, forced displacement and social integration across Europe. The aim is to identify the potential for further joint activities among the participants from JPI Urban Europe and other (inter-)national projects, people working on the topic and a wider group of experts. This workshop will contribute to the strategic discussions within JPI Urban Europe regarding the alignment of national R&I activities as well as the development of specific joint measures. It is intended to provide recommendations policy such as the Urban Agenda for the EU partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees.

The Agora – JPI Urban Europe Stakeholder Involvement Platform

This workshop will be an event organised in the course of The Agora – JPI Urban Europe’s Stakeholder Involvement Platform which aims at creating the space to meet and exchange for urban actors with a diversity of background (researchers, practitioners, public administrators, entrepreneurs, social innovators, etc.), discussing current urban themes and priorities and addressing the most pressing urban challenges of today and the future. The Agora will use various formats to facilitate thematic debates and strategic reflections.


This thematic workshop will bring together academics and experts from nationally funded projects, JPI Urban Europe projects or other related initiatives and networks on the subject matter.

Objectives of the workshop

· Identify the potential for further joint activities among the participants from JPI Urban Europe and other (inter-)national projects, people working on the topic and a wider group of experts

· Identify themes, projects and approaches with the potential for alignment activities to feed into future strategic development of the JPI Urban Europe

· Create an overview of national and international research activities and results

· Generate input for policy recommendations e.g. for the Urban Agenda for the EU partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees (


In order to make the most of the workshop, participants are asked in advance to submit an abstract/summary of about 400-800 words to JPI Urban Europe. These contributions will be collected and shared with all participants before the workshop. The participants are asked to prepare in advance by reading the short contributions of their colleagues. Thus, identifying common positions, findings, results, best/worst practices, etc. can take place before the workshop. Please refer to the template sent out with this invitation.

workshop JPI Urban Europe Berlin