Public consultation open on the Climate Adaptation Strategy

The current EU Adaptation Strategy was published in April 2013. The Strategy is a response to the climate hazards (such as, floods, storms, heat waves, water scarcity and droughts just to mention a few),  that Europe is and will increasingly be facing. It demonstrates a dedicated long-term commitment to increase the resilience of the EU territory by enhancing the preparedness and capacity of all government levels to respond to the impacts of climate change.

The Commission is conducting anevaluation of the Strategy to examine the actual implementation and performance of the strategy. The evaluation is planned to be completed by the end of 2018 and its results will be published on DG CLIMA website. For more information on the evaluation process, please see here.

The public consultation on the interim results of the evaluation was launched on 7 December 2017. It is available in 23 languages and will remain open until 1 March 2018.

Your views with regard to the urban dimension of the EU climate change adaptation policy would be very valuable to feed into the process of the evaluation. Do not hesitate and have your say! You can take part in the consultation by clicking here

public consultation Climate Adaptation