The objectives of the Partnership on Urban Mobility (PUM) are to propose solutions to improve the framework conditions for urban mobility for cities across the EU. This covers issues relevant to technological advancements, encouraging the use of active modes of transport, improving public transport and promoting multi-level governance measures.
The Partnership has set its initial focus on fourthemes: active modes of transport and use of public space, innovative solutions and smart mobility, public transport for the city/region and multi-modality and governance. After identifying challenges, bottlenecks, and potentials, specific working groups have been defined to work out an Action Plan, aiming to improve: a) EU regulations affecting urban mobility, b) the use and allocation of EU funding, and c) knowledge exchange platforms and their use.
During the first year of this Partnership (2017), the main focus was to map the existing EU framework and identify challenges, bottlenecks, and potentials, to identify the focus areas, based on in-depth research and analytical work culminating in a draft Action Plan.
During the second year of the Partnership (2018), the Members consulted with relevant stakeholders to discuss and update the draft Action Plan into its final version.
The final Action Plan was endorsed by the DGUM in November 2018, heralding the implementation phase.
During the last year (2019), PUM members are linking up with stakeholders to promote and monitor the implementation of the Actions. The final year also brings with it the evaluation of the Partnership, including presentations of the main results and lessons learned.
The Partnership meets on average four times per year and initiates relevant other meetings (like seminars, conferences, working visits) and meetings that are of particular importance to the Partnership (such as the political roundtable initiative by the European Commission).
More information with regard to EU legislation, policies, strategies, studies, funding, project examples on the topic of Urban Mobility can be found at the One-Stop-Shop.
For questions and feedback, please contact UA-urbanmobility@ecorys.com or UA.communication@ecorys.com.