Video: Horizon 2020 Info Sessions: calls in the area of Digitising Industry

Are you planning to submit a proposal for the focus area “Digitising and transforming European industry and services”?

Here you can find four separate sessions with information on the calls closing within the next month.

Click on the links to access:

  • The presentation and video on security and resilience for collaborative manufacturing environments (Deadline: 28 March 2019)
  • The presentation and video on computing technologies and engineering methods for cyber-physical systems of systems (Deadline: 28 March 2019)
  • The presentation and video on digital manufacturing platforms for connected smart factories (Deadline: 02 April 2019)
  • The presentation and video on smart anything everywhere (Deadline: 02 April 2019)


Digitising European Industry

The measures to digitise European industry will help companies, researchers and public authorities to make the most of new technologies. They will link up national and regional initiatives and boost investment through strategic partnerships and networks.


Facing the challenge

The European Commission launched on 19 April 2016 the first industry-related initiative of the Digital Single Market package. Building on and complementing the various national initiatives for digitising industry, such as Industrie 4.0, Smart Industry and l'industrie du futur, the Commission will take actions along 5 main pillars. These include use of policy instruments, financial support, coordination and legislative powers to trigger further public and private investments in all industrial sectors and create the framework conditions for the digital industrial revolution.

The mid-term review of the Digital Single Market strategy will focus on digitising the European industry oriented actions, aiming to manage digital transformation of our society and economy.



Overall, today's plans should mobilise up to EUR 50 billion of public and private investments in support of the digitisation of industry.

  • EUR 37 billion investment to boost digital innovation.
  • EUR 5.5 billion national and regional investments in digital innovation hubs.
  • EUR 6.3 billion for the first production lines of next-generation electronic components.
  • EUR 6.7 billion for the European Cloud Initiative.





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Soumis par Norbert JASTROCH le lun, 04/03/2019 - 19:34

Good to see these initiatives, as digitisation of industry and services may become the most valuable application of artificial intelligence.