How to create an attractive environment for EU AI talent to stay in Europe | Digital Opportunity Traineeship

By Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry at DG Connect, European Commission

As you can see from the announcement of the AI HLEG 'Enablers for Skills and Education' group, the work of the AI HLEG is advancing in a steady pace to the envisaged direction. While waiting for your valuable input on the topic of ‘AI Skills and Education’, I would like to use the opportunity to spread the word on a Commission's initiative relevant to the domain.

In particular I would like to draw your attention on our 'Digital Opportunity Traineeship program', which among other things should help us create an attractive AI environment that retains our talent in Europe. This is a policy challenge which has a key importance for the sustainable deployment of AI in the EU. Clearly without our talents to develop and improve the know-how in AI, it will be impossible for Europe to compete with other leaders in the field who do not spare investment efforts in fostering and attracting the best AI experts.

Before sharing further information on the program let's have a look at some figures, which are quite telling about the need for such a program:  although youth unemployment remains high in the EU, there are currently almost 3 million post openings published in EURES, the European Jobs Network. The mismatch between skills and demand is alarming. For ICT specialists alone, there are at least 400,000 job vacancies across the EU. However, approximately 40% of enterprises have difficulties when looking to fill ICT positions.

This large skills gap is being addressed by the new initiative Digital Opportunity Traineeships. It seeks to support up to 6,000 students in developing their digital skills in a different country between 2018 and 2020.

The Digital Opportunity trainees will strengthen ICT specific skills, in fields like cybersecurity, big data, quantum technology and machine learning, digital marketing or software development. The trainees will receive an allowance of around €500 per month, which the company can top up, for a period of 2 to 12 months. To take part in the initiative students apply directly through their universities following the Erasmus+ procedures.

Win-win for all

The initiative also aims to help companies fill vacancies with digitally competent candidates. We all know why – digital skills are becoming increasingly required across all sectors, not just within ICT. Knowledge of cybersecurity, data analytics and machine learning, for example, are needed in fields as diverse as banking and manufacturing, farming and health. A computer-literate workforce is also vital to maintain Europe’s global competitiveness in a fast-changing world.

And yet, 38% of companies report that the lack of employees’ digital skills impact their performance.

Digital Opportunity Traineeships tap into the dynamism of the private sector. For students, temporary work placements could provide a unique chance to develop digital skills at a faster pace than could be achieved through formal education, while increasing their employability. A Digital Opportunity Traineeship can offer the perfect opportunity to learn on the job for the student and to screen the talents of tomorrow for the traineeship provider!

I call all the interested parties – students and companies – to take part in our Digital Opportunity Traineeship program and have better chances to work for our better AI future in Europe.




skills industry Business education Talents


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Soumis par Norbert JASTROCH le jeu, 18/10/2018 - 14:40


Hopefully not too bureaucratic regarding the application procedure

Why not more of this, or similar?