Heatwave Chronicles: Strategies for Resilience in a Warming World


Heatwaves represent an increasingly urgent challenge sweeping across Europe, demanding immediate and concrete adaptation measures to address their impact on society. This event delves into the intensifying challenges brought by soaring temperatures and heatwaves impacting cities and regions throughout the continent. The aim is to equip participants with a profound understanding of heatwave risks and potential tools for adaptation.  

Featuring a leading climate scientist, attendees will gain insights into the latest research on temperature trends and their projected impacts. Moreover, they will get the opportunity to learn directly from leading regions and local authorities on the topic, who will share their on-the-ground experiences and different approaches to tackling heatwaves.  

The event will also provide a space to ask questions, exchange ideas, challenges and learnings in a dedicated Q&A session.  

Presentation - Heatwave Chronicles: Strategies for Resilience in a Warming World
(10.07 Mo - PDF)
Flyer - Heatwave chronicles_Strategies for Resilience in a Warming World
(196.06 Ko - PDF)
Summary Report - Heatwave Chronicles
(486.91 Ko - PDF)