Pursuing ICT-enabled public sector innovation through open government?

The Innovation Report ('Opportunity now - Europe's mission to innovate') was published on 05/07/2016 with a great wealth of ideas and possible initiatives for seizing the innovation opportunity in the EU. The report identifies three key foundation actions for innovation: upskilling Europe’s people, using local strengths to underpin local innovation, and transforming public processes.

It recognises the potential benefits of data-driven innovation that can allow more SMEs and social enterprises to implement effectives approaches for social innovation such as collaborative public services. The eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 also highlights that 'by opening up public sector data and facilitating their re-use by third parties, in due respect of the 'Trustworthiness & Security' pinciple, public administrations can foster new opportunities for knowledge, growth and jobs'.

How can public administrations engage citizens, businesses and civil society in the collaborative design, production and delivery of public services and facilitate their interaction with public administrations?



Soumis par Anonymous (non vérifié) le mer, 06/07/2016 - 13:07

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En réponse à par Anonymous (non vérifié)

Profile picture for user ahalmos
Soumis par Andrea Halmos le mer, 06/07/2016 - 15:37

Thank you, interesting to know; can you please expand and share your concrete experience/case?

Profile picture for user esther.garrido
Soumis par Esther Garrido le jeu, 06/04/2017 - 12:41

Hello Andrea,
We are also investigating how public sector can become a lead innovator by applying ICT technologies to address societal needs. We are coming to conclusions that are being validated by experts in the field.

En réponse à par Esther Garrido

Profile picture for user ahalmos
Soumis par Andrea Halmos le mer, 19/04/2017 - 09:09

Dear Esther,

thank you for your message. We would be greateful to learn about your findings and share it with other public administrations across the EU. Please keep us informed. Please also inform your contacts about the following possibility:

  • The European Capital of Innovation Award – iCapital: the first prize of €1 000 000 will go to the city that has most successfully experimented with new and innovative citizen-driven initiatives proving itself as a 'test-bed' for potential solutions to relevant societal challenges. Deadline for applications: 21 June 2017. (More: https://ec.europa.eu/research/prizes/icapital/index.cfm)

Thank you.

Kind regards,

En réponse à par Andrea Halmos

Profile picture for user esther.garrido
Soumis par Esther Garrido le ven, 14/07/2017 - 10:28

Dear Andrea,
We held SONNETS final event in Madeira a couple of weeks ago in the framework of the ICE/IEEE Conference and it was pretty successful! We made some contacts there and are about to start fruitful collaborations.

We are indeed very much interested in sharing our results with other public administrations across the EU, as you point out. After the summer break, we are planning a launch event in form of a webinar and I would like to invite you and your contacts to find out how SONNETS aims to transform the public sector into a technology leader and a key player in tackling societal challenges.

The provisional date is the 14th of September, but as soon as it is fixed, I will announce it in the Events section and let you know.

Best Regards,

En réponse à par Esther Garrido

Profile picture for user ahalmos
Soumis par Andrea Halmos le jeu, 31/08/2017 - 13:51

Dear Esther,

do you have more details about the upcoming webinar?

Thank you,

Profile picture for user esther.garrido
Soumis par Esther Garrido le ven, 21/04/2017 - 22:03

Dear Andrea,
This research is being done in the frame of the SONNETS project and our results are being published in the website for everybody to discuss (http://sonnets-project.eu/content/innovation-framework). Moreover, in the project’s website we refer those interested to discuss about our findings in Futurium, more concretely in the discussion we have posted: “Is there an effective methodology to support innovation in and through the public sector?
We have developed a framework that can help public administrations to evaluate the innovation potential of the emerging technologies to tackle societal needs. I invite you to take a look; any feedback is more than welcomed!