AI HLEG - Input request for First AI HLEG Workshop: "AI Infrastructure and Enablers"

Dear members of the European AI Alliance,

As the Chair of the AI HLEG set out in his blogpost, the AI HLEG is looking for your contribution on the topics to be discussed at the First Workshop of the AI HLEG. These topics will also be addressed in the two main deliverables of the group. 

The fourth topic of the workshop concerns: "AI Infrastructure and Enablers​"

These are the questions on which your input is sought:

  • What are the most important building blocks at EU level to enable European businesses to successfully apply AI?
  • How can such building blocks be ensured, and how can investments therein be stimulated?

Deadline for input: 13 September 2018


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Soumis par David Pereira le lun, 03/09/2018 - 17:37
  • What are the most important building blocks at EU level to enable European businesses to successfully apply AI?
    • DataOps tools & methodology
    • API-based AI consumption model
    • Functional monitoring
    • Explainable AI solutions
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Soumis par Loïc Bardon le mar, 04/09/2018 - 10:17

In the AI economy, force generates force. The more data you have, the better your product; the better your product, the more data you can collect; the more data you can collect, the more talent you attract; the more talent you attract, the better your product.

It is economically a virtuous circle.

However, the United States and China have already sucked talent, market share and data volume into this circle.

Not Europe.

China, for example, has an abundant reservoir of data (demographic, transactional, behavioral) that serves as a giant test laboratory to train AI learning algorithms (700M Internet users). According to an unpublished Pentagon report cited by Reuters after some leaks, the U.S. government now considers Chinese investments in American start-up AI specialists as a potential threat to national security.

What to do about the "data" supremacy of the GAFA and BATX at the origin of their technological monopolistic power?

The first thing is to liberate Europe from the "Dataïst" yoke imposed by the platformists. Easier said than done? Not so sure. A small, forward-thinking European nation had its nose in the hollow almost 20 years ago.

Estonia has developed, and has already proven, the technology base for its citizens to benefit from dematerialised and ultra-secure access to 2,000 online services. This technology, a state platform created in 2000, is the X-road ( Why is that important? Because the X-road allows all integrated organizations (almost 1000 to date) to share on the state blockchain interoperable databases through the APIs available.

The two main countries with a stake in the global digital economy, the United States and China, are relying on the critical size of their domestic market and their national champions to become world leaders in AI. To position itself in the race, Europe has no choice but to rely on its domestic market by offering :
◾an innovative compromise that would fight against our propensity to always choose free and ease of use rather than privacy
◾let's say another model reconciling both
◾voir to allow users to monetize their data while keeping control of them

European start-ups could therefore rely on a "European architecture" and thus offer services that tickle the moustaches of the GAFA by focusing on the BtoB market of AI, which remains the Achilles heel of digital giants, or even by designing overlayers built on the "digital" back of the GAFA by already focusing on the technologies of the day after tomorrow. What if, for example, a European startup offered you a system of recommendations that allowed you to increase the value of your data? This is the scenario of Marc Elsberg's book Zero, which raises immense ethical questions of course.

Soumis par Anonymous (non vérifié) le dim, 04/11/2018 - 06:04

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Soumis par Jola DERVISHAJ le ven, 16/11/2018 - 16:37

Dear Ilie, thank you for the suggestion.The idea was transfered to the AI HLEG Meeting of 8 October and some of the subgroups have already reacted with their respective requests for in input:

HLEG - Input Request: Red Lines

HLEG - Input Request: Business Impact

HLEG - Input Request: Skills and talents

HLEG - Input Request: Appropriate mechanisms to measure the broad societal impact of AI

HLEG - Input Request: World Class Research

Please feel free to become part of the discussions!