EC Recommendation on the role of cross-border policies in supporting employment following the COVID-19 crisis

On 4 March 2021, the European Commission published a recommendation on employment support following the COVID-19 crisis. While the recommendation covered a wide range of areas, it also focuses on some specific points with regards to cross-border employment policies.

The European Commission proposed that Member States should develop up-to-date labour market intelligence both nationally and at regional and cross-border levels. This research, which should be open to relevant stakeholders, would then be used in planning training programmes and supporting public employment.

The Commission also stressed the importance of supporting workers who have been adversely affected by company restructurings due to the COVID-19 crisis. Such support could include personalised career paths, re-employment plans or external training. In this regard, cross-border mobility is a crucial tool in solving issues of employment since it provides more opportunities to workers and a larger workforce for companies.

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