EWRC2018 - What the Urban Corner offers

The European Week of Regions and Cities, the annual event organised by Committee of the Regions and DG Regional and Urban Policy for cities and regions, is coming up on 8-11 October in Brussels.

This time, the four-day event will focus on EU Cohesion Policy beyond 2020 as well as a series of thematic priorities that include regional, urban, rural territorial development. In this context, the Urban Agenda for the EU will play an important role at the Urban Corner together with the partners EUROCITIES, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) initiative, URBACT, and the European Investment Bank’s URBIS. 

Representatives of these partners will welcome you in the Agora’s Cluster 1 on Territorial Development in the Square Convention Centre. Here, you will encounter:

  • A Virtual Reality experience showcasing urban challenges and solutions. Drop by to discover this exciting simulation yourself!
  • A Meet & Game area where participants are invited to play the Sustainability Challenge Board Game developed by the JRC. Interested in the full story of this game? Read here.
  • An Open Theatre with ongoing urban presentations and demos from partners and Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

A full range of urban experiences awaits you at the Urban Corner! Make sure to come, visit and have fun while networking with local, regional, national and European decision-makers and experts. 

Follow the EWRC and the Urban Corner on Twitter (@EUUrbanAgenda) and participate by using the hashtags #EURegionsWeek and #EUUrbanCorner.


Do you have any questions on the Urban Corner? Please contact the Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team via UA.communication@ecorys.com.

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virtual reality Eurocities JRC European Week of Regions and Cities URBACT Urban Innovative Actions Urban Agenda for the EU URBIS Urban Corner