Discussion papers on the Capitalisation of the UAEU

On the 9 and 11 June 2021, the annual Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting took place, virtually gathering Coordinators and Action Leaders of all the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships, as well as key stakeholders from the European Commission and Council Presidency.

During the first day of this meeting, breakout sessions were held on the capitalisation of the work carried out under the UAEU over the past 5 years. Participants were divided into three groups, each of which had a separate input paper as a basis for discussion. During these sessions, presentations from Partnerships will served as a kick-off to the discussion, and the main takeaways from these discussions were shared in plenary format after the session. 

The groups were divided thematically as follows:

  1. How to successfully run a Partnership
  2. How to ensure sustainability and momentum of the Partnership
  3. How to create a tangible and lasting impact 

You will find the discussion papers for each group below.

You can find all the material from the Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting here.


Discussion Paper 1 - How to successfully run a Partnership
(193.19 KB - PDF)
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Discussion Paper 2 - Ensure momentum and sustainability
(189.73 KB - PDF)
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Discussion Paper 3 - Create tangible and lasting impact
(198.05 KB - PDF)
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Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting Discussion paper capitalisation