The first Report on the State of the Digital Decade is out!

How digital is Europe?
The first report on the State of the #DigitalDecade is out!
Take a look at the EU’s progress towards achieving our digital transformation to empower a more digitally sovereign, resilient, & competitive EU. With an assessment of the EU’s performance towards Europe’s 2030 objectives & targets focusing on:
? Digital skills
? Digital infrastructure
? Digitalisation of businesses
? Digitalisation of public services
? Promoting EU values online
? Sustainability
This report calls for a collective action to address current investment gaps,accelerate digital transformation in Europe & intensify efforts to reach the objectives towards a more Digital EU.
But... how are we doing in the different targets?
Digital Skills
By 2030, under current conditions, only 59% of population will have basic Digital Skills, & ICT specialists may not exceed 12 million.
▶️ Investments in high quality education are the key to reach the targets of 80% of population with basic digital skills + 20 mil ICT specialists.
Digital infrastructure
Fibre networks only reach 56% of households, while 5G coverage 81% of the population, dropping at 51% in rural areas.
▶️ Additional investment is needed to ensure full gigabit coverage across EU as well as #5G coverage in all populated areas.
The 2030 target is for EU to double its share in the value of global production of cutting-edge semiconductors from 10% to 20%.
▶️ To achieve this, the Commission presented the #EUChipsAct, to develop a thriving semiconductor ecosystem & resilient supply chains

Digitalisation of businesses
69% of European #SMEs reach a basic level of digital intensity, and the adoption of AI, cloud or edge is still below the targets.
▶️ We need to do more to promote the benefits of digitisation for businesses.
However, EU-based unicorns have increased significantly and the EU is likely to meet its target in 2 years.
Digitalisation of public services
Many EU Countries are well positioned to achieve:
? Full digitalisation of public services & health records
? Full deployment of #eID
▶️ However, investments are needed to improve cross-border availability & performance of public services.
The #DigitalDecade report tracks as well the progress done with measures such as the Digital Services Act and the AI Act towards turning into reality our vision for the #DigitalEU of 2030:
Read more:

Press release ▶️!d44rrq
Q&A ▶️!pxwxGn
Factsheet ▶️!RNBCbm

State of the Digital Decade Report 1
digital decade Digital Decade Policy Programme digital decade report