The EGT Euroregion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra publishes report on the impact of border closure on cross-border life

Economic and social impact of closing borders
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With the aim of identifying a series of actions and guidelines to mitigate the impact of the closed border on cross-border workers and citizens, the NAEN Euroregion has carried out a survey process addressing residents of these groups in Euskadi, Navarre and Nouvelle-Aquitaine. The process namely focuses on the main impact factors and problems identified in the social and labour area affecting the lives of cross-border citizens.

The survey process began on 4 June 2020, with citizens were given ten days to respond. As mentioned above, the main aim of the survey was to identify possible actions and guidelines to be implemented by the NAEN Euroregion in the context of the border closure. The survey, addressing cross-border workers and citizens, obtained a total of 2,400 responses.

As a cornerstone of the analysis of COVID-19’s impact, a process of surveying the Euroregional partners of strategic sectors of the Euroregion was also conducted. The aim of that survey process was to collect information about the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of projects, to respond, and guide the respective work of the Euroregion.

The report is available in French, Spanish, Basque and English

institutional matters impactborderclosuser Citizens survey Cross-border Covid-19 cross-border workers EGTC Euroregion


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Esitas Martín GUILLER… kuupäeval K, 05/08/2020 - 18:16

This is a very interesting initiative, providing a very deep insight into the citizens' views on border closing, and the importance of CBC in daily life.