Development of a Sustainable Cross-border Agrifood Sector between France and Belgium

Development of a Sustainable Cross-border Agrifood Sector between France and Belgium


This Good Practice Article highlights the cross-border cooperation of France and Belgium as it centers on the mutual promotion of sustainable agriculture. This partnership is a testament to their shared dedication to fostering eco-conscious practices within the agri-food sector.


In October 2016, the Filière AD-T Project was initiated with the aim to enhance sustainable practices within the agri-food sector by orchestrating a comprehensive set of actions across different stages of the food supply chain. These actions were structured around four operational axes: production, processing, distribution, and consumption. The overarching goal was to foster collaboration, awareness, and expertise in pursuit of sustainable food practices.

Networking and Collaboration:

The initiative facilitated networking among agri-food professionals, enabling companies to establish new connections. Visits to wholesale markets and targeted meetings encouraged exchange of insights and ideas among industry players. A Food Safari and Store Tour provided opportunities to explore sustainable food offerings and generate innovative marketing concepts.

Consumer Awareness:

The Project aimed to raise consumer awareness by organizing events like the Transfrontier Week of Sustainable Food. These events included visits to farms, culinary workshops, conferences, and film debates. The "Sustainable at your restaurant owners" campaign and the "CROC" program encouraged individuals to adopt sustainable eating habits.

Promotion of Expertise:

Efforts were directed towards showcasing the expertise of companies. Collective visits to food trade fairs and stands enabled businesses to present their products and offerings to a wider audience. This not only enhanced their visibility but also contributed to growth.

Cross-Border Development:

The initiative supported cross-border growth for companies. Partners provided individual and collective assistance, addressing administrative, tax, and regulatory challenges. Information sessions and expert-led discussions covered various topics, ensuring comprehensive support for companies' expansion efforts.



The initiative involved different stakeholders including over 500 VSEs and SMEs operating within the sector. The main Partners are the HD Gestion in Mons, Belgium, and Communauté d'Agglomération du Douaisis in Douai, France.


Cross Border Area

The actions took place across different locations, spanning from the Franco-Belgian border regions of Douai (France) and Mons (Belgium), to prominent cities like Paris and Brussels. 


The project’s total cost exceeded €3,500,000 and was co-financed by the ERDF by 50%, as part of the 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VA Belgium - France (France - Wallonie - Flanders) Programme.


Throughout its implementation from 1/10/2016 to 31/03/2022, the project delivered results in all its priority axes. 

  • In terms of Networking and collaboration, throughout the implementation period 9 professional meetings were organized, with a total of 541 participating companies from both sides of the border.
  • 27 awareness-raising initiatives were organized throughout the cross-border area, reaching out 5000+ people. Initiatives included visits to farms and local producers and workshops on sustainable practices.
  • over 220 companies benefited individually or collectively from the organization of collective visits to trade fairs and catering workshops.


Find out more about Filière AD-T on the Project’s website here

cross border cooperation on agrifood sustainability of agriculture