Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 07-08Märts2024 e-VITA Conference: "The future of ageing: embracing technology for a fulfilling life" Join us on March 7th and 8th, 2024, to discover the future of ageing in smart living environments at home. This event, held at Télécom Sud Paris …
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 28Okt2022 Gatekeeper Call for Twinnings Information Webinar Would you like to hear more about the Gatekeeper Twinning Programme? Join our webinar on Friday the 28th of October, 11:00-12:00 CET to find out…
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 18-20Okt2022 European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2022 The European Week of Active & Healthy Ageing aims to be the European networking and exchange platform for providing innovation support and inter…
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 21juuli2022 TIQUE PCP - Call For Tender - Second Explanatory Workshop Second Call-For-Tender Explanatory Workshop TIQUE is carrying out an Explanatory Workshop about the Call For Tender which aims to: …
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 30juuni2022 TIQUE PCP - Call For Tender - First Explanatory Workshop PCP project TIQUE, co-funded by the EU programme Horizon 2020 under GA#965356, has officially launched its €4.4M call for tender, open until 15…
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 27Okt2021 Gastrologic approaches to the 3rd age: Join for a tastesteering session! The AAL Programme invites you for a special opportunity to join a workshop that will show you the latest technology in food care. Join for a session…
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 18-21Okt2021 European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2021 The second edition of the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2021 will take place between 18 and 21 October 2021 online. The event will build…
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 31Mai2021 Health & Care eco-systems as drivers for transforming European welfare in 2020s The AAL Programme welcomes you to a special online seminar on 31 May 2021 organised in cooperation with Finnish universities of Vaasa and Tampere,…
Silver Economy & HealthTech Üritus 18Mai2021 Integrating E-Textiles into Assistive Technology: A Successful Human-centered Case Study for the Silver Economy Over the past 3 years, the award-winning MATUROLIFE project has placed creative and artistic co-creational design at the heart of the innovation…