Technological platforms & Healthy Ageing - SHAPES Dialogue Workshop


Intended to envision the potential of a common European platform facilitating long-term active and healthy ageing, the University of Castilla-La Mancha invites health and care professionals, industry, academia, civil society organization and the general audience to the third dialogue workshop conceived in the framework of the Horizon2020 SHAPES project.

Benefiting from high-level and professionals' speeches, the event will identify the challenges arising from designing and implementing a technological platform and will discuss strengths and weaknesses for integrated care in the digital era.

Two 40-minutes Q&A sessions will allow participants to have a say and contribute to the discussion, whose outcomes will feed into the development of the SHAPES platform for health and care

Detailed agenda and registrations are available on-line:

The event will be held in English, with Spanish and International Sign Language interpretations.

For any information, please contact


Invitation to the third Dialogue Workshop
webinar Technology platform workshop dialogue large-scale pilot Europe