The European Commission (DG Connect) and the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) organise an Info Day on 15 February on the second CEF Digital call for the 5G for Smart Communities action (open until 21 March).
This second Info Day aims to support and guide call applicants for their upcoming projects submissions as well as invite new potential stakeholders to submit project proposals with the new extended call 2 deadline of 21 March.
The session will be introduced by Franco Accordino (Head of Unit, Investment in High-Capacity Networks - Unit B5) and Eric Gaudillat (Head of Sector, DG Connect Unit B5) who will give an overview of the expectations from 5G for Smart Communities Call 2.
The Info Day will give the opportunity to participants to get an overview of the successful project applicants from Call 1, as well as useful tips for the submission for Call 2 from HaDEA.
During the Info Day, the 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform (5GSC) will be presented. The 5GSC is an EU project dedicated to supporting stakeholders of the European Commission’s funding programme, ‘Connecting Europe Facility – Digital’, under the calls for project proposals for ‘5G for Smart Communities’.
The session is open to:
- Telecommunication and technology companies
- Socio-economic drivers proposing 5G use cases (particularly in the areas of health, education, mobility, security, rural development, agriculture and government
- European associations and networks relating to the above use case areas as well as to 5G telecommunications and technology
- Municipalities
- Academia and research institutions
- European Broadband Competence Offices
Please register by email.
Please note that this event will be recorded and streamed for information sharing purposes of the European Commission. To understand more about your participation to the 5G for Smart Communities – CEF Digital call matchmaking, please read our Privacy Statement.
The European Commission encourages attendance by local authorities who could be interested to the future CEF Digital calls, as well as any other relevant stakeholders.
15 February, 10:00 - 12:30 CET
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