EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum, Lisbon


Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Praça do Município
1149-014 Lisbon

On 3 and 4 of April 2017, the EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum will be held in the city of Lisbon under the patronage of the mayor of Lisbon, Fernando Medina, with the theme “Preventing and responding to deep-seated urban poverty and inequalities”.

Through a mix of presentations, debates, workshops, exchanges, and a political side event, the forum participants will learn and share coherent policies and city strategies that proved to work in addressing the challenge of urban poverty and rising inequalities.

The agenda will be linked to the EU-level discussions on the European Pillar of Social Rights.

A special programme for elected city politicians will be devoted to social investment in the most vulnerable areas aimed at addressing urban poverty and rising inequality.

Our working group on migration and integration as well as the task force on Roma inclusion will meet immediately after the event, on 5-6 April in Lisbon.


Event link:…

urban poverty