Virtual talk on the renewed Leipzig Charter, EWRC, 13 October 2020


In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, a digital talk on the renewed Leipzig Charter will be held online on the 13 October 2020 from 9:30 to 10:00am.

Thematic cluster: Cohesion and Cooperation

The 2007 Leipzig Charter was the first step towards an urban agenda for the EU. It pointed out that only territorially integrated approaches could be successful in cities. In the second half of 2020 the German Presidency of the EU will call for a renewed Leipzig Charter, fostering the transition of our cities towards a greener, fairer and more competitive social model. The biggest challenge we face today is the climate emergency. The renewed Leipzig Charter and the Urban Agenda for the EU have to reflect all the progress to be achieved under the new Green Deal. The Mayor of Seville will explain from his personal experience of leading a municipality how cities are a vector of change that should transform our social, economic and environmental reality in a fairer and more inclusive way.

Registrations are open until 27 September 2020. 

Follow this link to find more information on the session and add it to your calendar. 

European Week of Cities and Regions New Leipzig Charter Cohesion and Cooperation