European Parliament high-level conference on clean energy financing: Delivering the energy transition for jobs, growth and investment, Brussels


Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles

Significant investment is needed in the energy sector to help the EU achieve its ambitious climate change targets, which were agreed as part of the Paris Agreement. The Clean Energy for All Europeans package aims to set the legal framework to make this transformation possible. To look at the issues involved, the European Parliament will host a high-level conference on financing clean energy for all Europeans in Brussels on 7 November from 9.30 to 18.30 CET. It is organised by the Parliament and the European Commission.

The conference will bring together political leaders, policy makers, the investor community, energy market participants and other stakeholders, and review and debate the Clean Energy Package and focus on specific areas of investment in the energy transition:

  •     The current and future role of EU financial support for the energy transition
  •     Setting the scene: making the clean energy transition happen
  •     Supporting the shift towards clean and efficient energy at the local level
  •     Investing in energy projects – interconnectors
  •     Investing in renewables to connect Europe
European Parliament Energy Transition Clean Energy Clean Energy Package