Programme of the AI & Big Data for Innovation Summit

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The 1st AI & Big Data Innovation Summit organised by the Knowledge4Innovation Forum is taking place from 2 – 5 December in the European Parliament in Brussels. This is an outstanding opportunity to meet and discuss with newly elected MEPs and the new Commission (Commission President UVDL tbc) about the opportunity for Europe to become a global leader in AI and data driven innovations and how policy can support and if necessary, regulate AI and big data developments.

The programme covers topics around policy-making and regulation, the use of AI and data analytics to exploit open (research) data and a series of concrete examples of how AI & Big Data innovation will transform industries and society. A key target will be the use of data to make better decisions and predict outcomes/impact of policy measures and investments in R&I.

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Submitted by Joao Paulo REB… on Wed, 11/12/2019 - 14:04

Dear Sirs,


I have participated in the AI & Big Data Summit - do you know if the presentations / material is available?

Kind regards,


Joao Paulo