AI4EU Cafe: "The Regional dimension of the AI-on-demand Platform in H2020: the DIH4AI Innovation Action"


This AI4EU Café will present Sergio Gusmeroli (Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) 


The DIH4AI (Home | DIH4AI) “AI on-demand platform for regional interoperable Digital Innovation Hubs Network" is developing a network of AI-on-demand innovation and collaboration platforms, interoperable with the AI4EU platform (Home | AI4EU (, supporting the joint development and provision of services through a sustainable network of regional AI DIHs and targeting local SMEs and GovTech agencies. An Open Call for SME-oriented experiments in EU DIHs has been launched on September 1st and will remain open till November 30th 2021. A second Open Call wave is foreseen for Q3 2022. The speech will focus on opportunities and challenges derived from Regional-panEU collaboration at the level of methods, tools and ICT platforms interoperability frameworks.


Sergio Gusmeroli is a Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Born in Sondrio (Italy) in 1961, he finalized his education at Politecnico di Milano in 1986. After several experiences in different branches of the ICT domain, in June 2000, he was appointed director and operating manager of the International Research & Innovation Unit of TXT e-solutions, an IT company leader in EU for Supply Chain management solutions. In TXT he coordinated diverse FP7 EC funded projects in the ICT for Manufacturing domain: COIN, MSEE, TELLME, FITMAN, OSMOSE. Since 2015, Sergio is Research Coordinator for Politecnico di Milano and has been coordinating H2020 Factories of the Future PSYMBIOSYS, BEINCPPS and AI REGIO project.

Since January 2021, he's coordinating the DIH4AI AI-on-demand platform about AI DIHs collaboration and networking. 

He is author of more than 30 publications / papers in Italian and International magazines and conferences. His main areas of competence and experience include AI for manufacturing, Internet of Things, Enterprise Interoperability, Digital Innovation Hubs.


Sergio Gusmeroli
AI4EU Café