AI4EU Cafe: “AI at the Grassroots - why we need a different approach to achieve the UN 2030 agenda”


The Speaker is:

Tara Chklovski

Tara Chklovski is CEO and founder of global tech education nonprofit Technovation

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What isTara Chklovski talk about

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development focuses on prosperity and well-being for all people and our planet. However, in the intermediate ten years between now and 2030, countries all around the world will face increasingly serious challenges around access to clean air, water, food security, natural disasters, decreased health (Watts et al., 2018), the forced displacement of millions of individuals (IDMC, 2019), as well as the continued challenges of poverty and inequality. 

As a planet, we have two powerful solutions to leverage: Technology and human ingenuity.

And we need everyone, not just technology experts, to engage as concerned and informed global citizens. We need more people to believe they can effect change in their lives and in their communities, and to recognize that technologies such as AI offer great potential for positive change. 

Yet, currently, the places where AI is being developed are not as diverse and representative as they should be. The unusual speed, scale, and top-down nature of AI technologies requires a deliberate and thoughtful counter-approach that boosts vulnerable groups at the grassroots levels beyond simply being users - or victims - of these technologies, but equal contributors and participants in their creation. A grassroots approach to AI is needed to seize its benefits and mitigate any negative consequences. 

Tara Chklovski, Founder and CEO of a global technology entrepreneurship nonprofit, Technovation, will share lessons, data and stories from 15 years in the field - empowering vulnerable groups, particularly girls and mothers, to tackle pressing problems in their communities - using the most cutting-edge technology tools of our time - AI.


Tara Chklovski is CEO and founder of global tech education nonprofit Technovation. Technovation runs two competitions through which it empowers underserved communities (especially women and girls) to tackle community problems using cutting-edge technologies (mobile and AI). Prominently featured in the award-winning documentary Codegirl, Forbes named Chklovski “the pioneer empowering the incredible tech girls of the future” for her work encouraging the next generation of innovators and problem solvers. A STEM education advocate, she led the 2019 education track at the UN’s AI for Good Global Summit, presenting Technovation's findings at SXSW EDU, UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week, Mobile World Congress L.A., the International Joint Conference on AI, and the Global Partnership on AI for Humanity convened by the French Government. Since its founding in 2006, Technovation has engaged more than 130,000 children, parents, mentors, and educators in its mobile and AI programs in 100+ countries.   


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